Our Future

Sustainability is the only way to ensuring our planet remains fit for life, for our children and generations to come. It requires a concerted effort from all of us to make it happen.

The Three Pillars of Sustainability

01 Social

02 Economic

03 Environmental

01 Social

We believe good and fair practice is conducive to creating a happier workplace and better work dynamics. This includes caring for the wellbeing of our staff and incorporating socially responsible behavior that improves our quality of life and that of our community.

02 Economic

Building stable economic growth is crucial to ensuring a good standard of living. However, due consideration must be also given to the quality of such growth, ecological and human, for the betterment of our future.

03 Environmental

A responsible approach to managing of resources and waste in production is crucial to forging sustainability. For instance, encouraging recycling, limiting waste and using renewable options help reduce costs. This translates into positive economy and an environmentally sustainable business.

Our Commitment

Reduce energy consumption: By investing in more energy-efficient machines, optimizing production schedules to minimize idle time, and turning off equipment when not in use.

Use eco-friendly materials: By sourcing paper and ink that are made from sustainable and renewable materials. (Yale is currently using soy-based ink as an alternative to lower environmental impact.)

Reduce waste: Look into ways to reuse, reduce and recycle waste, by implementing a waste management system. Identify ways to minimize waste generation by optimizing printing processes and reducing the amount of material wasted during setup and clean-up.

Promoting a healthy workplace: By fostering a caring, safe and productive environment; building strong and friendly teamwork; and treating every employee fairly with the same opportunities, rights and obligations for advancement that are not gender-biased.